
About Ian

I could tell you about many exciting projects that I have been involved with but rather than me blowing my own trumpet, it is much better to let other people I have worked
with tell you what they have experienced.

Proven Success

What My Clients Say


What I Do Best

Business Planning

My particular interest has always been putting businesses together.  This involves many tasks and skills that need detailed analysis. It is vital that this is done properly in order to raise money. 

I have done endless Business Plans including the financial modelling that was used to launch or expand the business. Doing a business plan in association with the business owners often helps them better understand their own business. 

Mergers & Acquisitions

It sometimes became obvious to me that certain businesses I worked with should join together and become a major force in their market.  Like any good Business Plan the success is often in the detail.

In planning such a major business/financial decision it is critical that no stone is left unturned. when done correctly the result can be brilliant.


Structured Finance

I have spent most of my working life raising finance for large and small companies.  Money that was needed for their expansion or in other cases, money that was necessary to refinance existing debt.

There are many different types of debt & equity available but knowing where and how to secure it takes many years of experience.   I have developed many outside the box methods to acomplish this that I still use today.

corporate management

So many businesses just plod along doing what they’ve done for years.  The world is changing faster & faster every day. This makes it vitally important to not only monitor a constantly changing market, but also to ensure that you have the right staff and management to stay ahead of these changes.

This is a tricky thing to master, but a challenge that I love to be a part of.


Proven Success

What You Can Expect


I will work with you in setting objectives, developing the actions required to meet those objectives, and mapping this against the necessary resources needed to execute and meet those objectives.


I not only bring a wide range of business skills and savvy but I also gain management and  staff involvement and cooperation through respect and consideration for the people I am working with.


The long run tells the story.  While some tasks I have undertaken have been short term, the relationships developed have not.  Many clients and associates have come back for my assistance and expertise many times over the years.

Get In Touch

7 + 11 =

Get In Touch

Aust + 61 408 220 335
Thai + 66 8 80138234
Email ian@ianbrierley.com
Web www.ianbrierley.com