Case Study

Security Company Case Study
The contract began as an in depth analysis of a well established Sydney based security company.  I was engaged to analyse the companies structure and finances because while the business was growing, its profitability was not.


A Recommended Restructure Became a Long Term Project.

After completing the analysis the owner realized that the company needed someone to help steer it in the right financial direction.

That led to me being appointed Chief Financial Officer. And later to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the company.

I ran the company for a number of years inplementing the proposed restructuring during that time.

The company had no debt apart from some small equipment & vehicle finances, and still to this day operates without any debt.


Taking Security to The Next Level


On the surface the company appeared to be growing successfully however even though turnover was increasing the profitability was in a steady decline.

Although the company had no debt, wage growth in servicing new contracts was reducing the margins of the business and collections were being blown out. 

The challenge was to find those areas where the business was  leaking and plug them.


On completing the analysis, the first order of business was to reduce the fixed costs.  This was mainly accomplished by restructuring the business and eliminating an area of the business that was a drag on profitability.

The growth in wages were brought under control by changing the balance between contractors and fulltime employees and a few slow paying clients were either brought up to date and/or terminated.


“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. The Numbers don’t lie.”

Mark Walker,

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